About us

Our Journey and Expertise

At ORIZONDATA, we stand at the intersection where technology meets innovation to create a paradigm shift in every business landscape. Our team, an assemblage of brilliant minds with a passion for technology, dives into an ocean of data, analysing, decoding, and transforming it into powerful insights that form the backbone of smart decisions.

Our strength lies not just in our technology, but in our people. With a cumulative experience that spans over 25 years, our professionals have been pioneers in various tech domains, mastering the art of data analytics to drive success. The last four years have seen us zoom in on the UK’s market, unearthing data-driven strategies specific to the region’s unique dynamics. This deep dive isn’t merely about numbers and trends; it’s about crafting personalised business analysis powered by data that resonate game changing results.

In the vast and complex tapestry of the UK’s IT Industry, ORIZONDATA emerges as your most reliable guide, turning intricate data patterns into a treasure map, leading you to the better choices that can lead to most rewarding results.

Our Partner in Financial Consulting

SJPR Finance are an Independent Specialist Consultancy, that provide Residential, Commercial and Business Finance support to individuals and SME clients throughout the whole of the UK.

Whether you are a first-time buyer looking to get on the property ladder or a well-established business SJPR can help you to fund your dream project. With everything from Asset Finance for company vehicles to property development projects and even Insurance Policies, SJPR are well-positioned to get the right deals for you across a broad spectrum of financial services.

We look forward to support your business journey!

Acquiring a property in the United Kingdom

Can be a multifaceted process, with different avenues available depending on your circumstances, whether you’re a resident, international investor, or buying for residence or investment purposes. Here are the most common ways:


Direct Purchase:

  • The straightforward approach where buyers pay sellers directly, suitable for those who have the full funds upfront.
  • The process involves property viewing, making an offer, exchanging contracts upon acceptance, and finally, completion.


A loan taken out to buy property or land. Most mortgages run for 25 years but can be shorter or longer. The loan is ‘secured’ against the value of your home until it’s paid off.

  • There’s a variety of mortgages available, and using a mortgage broker or advisor to find the best fit is advisable.

Property Auctions:

  • Buying at auction may mean a chance at a good deal but requires due diligence. A successful bid at an auction is a binding contract, and readiness to complete the purchase quickly is a must.

Shared Ownership Schemes:

  • These allow you to purchase a share of a property (usually from a housing association), pay rent on the remaining share; typically aimed at first-time buyers.

Off-plan Purchase:

  • Buying off-plan means purchasing property before it’s completed, offering financial benefits but also carrying significant risks.

Buy-to-let Investments:

  • Involves purchasing property specifically to rent out to others. It’s popular among investors but requires understanding of local rental market and landlord responsibilities.

Each method has its own process, requirements, and potential pitfalls, so thorough research and legal and financial advice are crucial, especially for international buyers who might face additional steps or restrictions.”

These texts highlight the expertise and deep domain experience of your team, emphasising the trust and authority you command in the field of data analytics and real estate within the UK.

Why Use A Specialist Broker?

We are genuinely independent, wholly impartial and we offer straightforward honest advice, given freely and without obligation. Through our established Lender Partner network we give you immediate access to hundreds of High Street, Alternative UK based Lenders and Private Banks. All of our Lending Partners have funds available to lend and are genuinely still keen to support the right proposition.

When your own Bank has failed to offer the support you need then call us. We will quickly assess all the available options for you and we will do everything possible to find a workable and affordable solution.

Time and again we prove to our clients that we can secure funding where others fail and, in the majority of cases, our advice will save you very significant amounts of money over the course of the loan. The majority of specialist lenders in the current marketplace will only accept qualified and packaged mortgage and loan proposals from Specialist Brokers such as ourselves.

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(10am - 05 pm)

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