

Competitive Advantage: Speed ​​and Real-Time Update

In a fast-paced world and a real estate market in constant movement, speed and accuracy in obtaining information are crucial. Here are a few reasons why ORIZONDATA stands out from conventional site-by-site searches:
  1. Time Saving: Searching for properties on different websites is not only laborious but also consumes valuable time. Our platform speeds up this process, providing consolidated analysis in a matter of moments.
  2. Real-Time Updates: The real estate market is volatile. A property available today may not be available tomorrow. Our platform provides up-to-date information in real time, ensuring you stay ahead and make decisions based on the latest data.
  3. Avoiding Disappointment: It’s frustrating to find the perfect property, only to discover that it has sold while you were still researching other options. With ORIZONDATA, this situation is avoided, as you have immediate access to all available properties, allowing you to act quickly.
  4. Integrated Solution: Instead of bringing together information from different sources, which can lead to inconsistencies and confusion, we offer an integrated, organized and easy-to-interpret view, facilitating the comparison and analysis of properties.
  5. Comprehensive Analysis: Our platform not only shows available properties, but also offers detailed insights into potential return, history, location, among others, allowing for a complete and informed analysis.
  6. Reliability: ORIZONDATA is dedicated to keeping the platform up to date with the latest and most rigorous data collection and analysis standards. So you can trust that you are making decisions based on reliable and accurate information.

In short, ORIZONDATA is the answer for those looking for efficiency and precision in the UK property market. We eliminate the guesswork and provide clarity, ensuring your real estate journey is smooth, well-informed and successful.


Life Easier for Portfolio Managers and Potential Buyers:

  • Holistic View: See the entire market in one place and compare properties effectively.
  • Safe Investment: For those looking to purchase properties as an investment, we guarantee information that leads to profitable choices.
  • Process Simplification: For portfolio managers, we offer tools that simplify management, monitoring and analysis.
  • Focus on Satisfaction: Whether for living or investing, we ensure that each client finds the property that perfectly meets their needs and expectations.


  • Informed Decisions: With access to detailed and up-to-date data, make decisions based on accurate insights.
  • Time Saving: Avoid exhaustive searching and get filtered and relevant results in seconds.
  • Maximizing Investments: Ensure the best value for your money by identifying properties with the highest return potential.
  • Total Support: Count on a dedicated team to answer questions and guide you at each stage.


Personalised Digital Consultations:

  • Tailored digital service, allowing for flexibility and accessibility.
  • Understanding individual needs to guide property searches.

Comprehensive Property Research:

  • Complete scan of all available properties in the UK.
  • Filtering by city, ensuring a detailed and full view.

Return on Investment (ROI) Analysis:

  • Identification of properties with the best ROI.
  • Consideration of variables like location, market value, and future projections.

Exclusive CRM Control Panel:

  • Access to a centralised and intuitive dashboard that compiles all property options.
  • Simplified and efficient management of your portfolio or potential acquisitions.

Support in Acquisition:

  • End-to-end support in the acquisition process.
  • Expert consultancy for informed and strategic decisions.

Customisable Tools and Reports:

  • Detailed and customisable reports based on desired criteria.
  • Tools tailored for portfolio managers and potential buyers.
The Strength of

ORIZONDATA Strategic Partnerships

In addition to our advanced platform and continuous commitment to excellence, ORIZONDATA stands out for its strategic partnerships with renowned professionals in the real estate and financial sector. These collaborations expand our service offering and ensure our customers receive a complete and flawless experience. Here’s a closer look at what our partnerships offer:

  • Experienced Brokers: Our broker partners have extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of the UK property market. They are well positioned to help our clients identify the best investment opportunities and negotiate favorable terms.
  • Specialized Accountants: Purchasing a property is a significant financial decision that comes with tax implications. Our partner accountants offer expert advice and guidance on tax matters, ensuring that investors are aware of all tax responsibilities and benefits associated with their purchase.
  • Trustworthy Solicitors: The legal process of buying a property can be complex. Our partner solicitors ensure that all legal aspects of the purchase are handled accurately and efficiently. They help customers navigate all the legal processes, from performing title checks to finalizing the purchase.

Furthermore, these partnerships allow for seamless integration between different stages of the purchasing process. This means that ORIZONDATA clients do not need to worry about looking for and coordinating different professionals; We offer a complete solution, from initial research to completion of purchase.

Through these strategic partnerships, ORIZONDATA solidifies its position as a trusted, all-in-one partner for all aspects of the real estate journey. Our goal is to ensure that every customer has a smooth, well-informed and successful experience.

Our Partner in Financial Consulting and Accountants

was founded in 2012 and quickly made its mark and has been growing ever since. We have grown our portfolio of clients as well as our ability to attract the best professionals in the industry.

SJPR started by offering accountancy services as SJPR Accountants and developed as a practice by adapting and integrating fast growing technologies that were, and are still, revolutionizing the way accountants work and service their clients. SJPR has a very good understanding of the challenges that entrepreneurs, investors and all other stakeholders face on a daily basis when a business is set up. We believe in being the best possible partners that a business can have.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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